My work steps toward the abstract and continues along a fuzzy view of land and seascape. The figure, a self-reflecting observer, often travels within the journey, sometimes with a dog noting a love connection... I don’t begin with a definite idea of what I am about to paint – instead, I daydream out the window of my studio then let the paint guide me each step of the way… Each stroke of color or shape informs the next, and the next, and so on… My art is just a mirror and reminder to step back, reflect, reset, and step forward to find some deeper understand of it all…
I use oil paint combined with cold wax and may add gold or metal leaf, collage pieces or sand to create texture, light, balance or interest, which often gets scraped away and reapplied again, then repeating the process, as some internal voice moves me… Like an archeologist, I dig into the work for discoveries…